Barnes & Noble, plus more Internet buzz about Hagridden

Not much happening on the blog tour until tomorrow, gang, but there are still loads of things happening online regarding #Hagridden. A couple days ago, I was very happy to discover that Malvern Books in Austin had done a blog post about my reading with Zoë Miller, including photos, both my and Zoë’s videos, and aContinue reading “Barnes & Noble, plus more Internet buzz about Hagridden”

Even MORE Hagridden blog tour!

Today, I gave a book talk about Hagridden at my grandparents’ retirement community and read a short story inspired by my ship-captain grandfather (the story, “The Voices Captain Brewster Heard,” will be published by WhiskeyPaper early next month). And in the meantime, I’m still on a blog tour! Yesterday, author Gay Degani interviewed me — we focusedContinue reading “Even MORE Hagridden blog tour!”

Hagridden blog tour extravaganza!

So, in addition to the incredibly generous folks hosting me for readings and book signings this week and next, a whole gaggle of kind bloggers out there are hosting me online as well. That’s right: I’m on a blog tour. (Let the links begin!) I began on Hagridden‘s release day with an interview with authorContinue reading “Hagridden blog tour extravaganza!”

2013 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 17,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 6 sold-out performances for that manyContinue reading “2013 in review”

I appreciate my readers — they appreciate me right back!

Seriously, I love the heck out of anyone cool enough to sit down and read my blog. People who read regularly — especially people who subscribe? They rock my world! People who actually engage and leave comments? Man oh man: I want to buy them all big boxes of chocolate. And then there’s EJ Runyon.Continue reading “I appreciate my readers — they appreciate me right back!”

Work In Progress – ChainBlogging

I’m not going to tag anyone specific, but if you’re reading this, consider yourself tapped and feel free to play along. My pal Hobie Anthony passed this along to me, and it looks like fun, so here we go: What is the title of your WIP? Do I have to pick just one? I haveContinue reading “Work In Progress – ChainBlogging”

Ryan Werner is for real

So, check it: my good friend/archnemesis, frequent referent in my blog posts, Captain Caveman lookalike, Midwest rock star, and kick-ass writer, Ryan Werner, has launched himself a website. And it fairly rules. Really clever concept and structure, gang, with links to all his shenanigans. If you like good fiction, sleazy rock-n-roll, and/or really hairy dudes,Continue reading “Ryan Werner is for real”

Kick your shoes off and make yourselves at home

So, thanks for WordPress “Freshly Pressing” me yesterday, I have an absolute gaggle of new visitors to the site. And that is fantastic! Thank you all so much for visiting, for perusing the website, for commenting on posts and pages . . . . I’m overwhelmed, but in the best possible way. I wish IContinue reading “Kick your shoes off and make yourselves at home”

I am both fresh and pressed. Like I have a job interview.

Seriously. I’ve been keeping an eye on stats today because I knew some friends were looking at my post about Maurice Sendak, and sometime between commercials on The Voice, my numnbers jumped by almost 100 views. Which NEVER happens. So I checked. And saw this: I’ve been hoping for a long time that sooner orContinue reading “I am both fresh and pressed. Like I have a job interview.”